Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Foil Insulation Product made by Therma-Foil.co.uk

http://www.therma-foil.co.ukInsulating homes is an increasingly important concern at this time of year. Well-insulated houses keep heat preserved inside leading to reduced energy bills, simple really. However, there are many houses throughout the UK and Europe which are not as well insulated as they could be. Why? Because they are not using the latest high quality Foil Insulation product. 

This is designed by Therma-Foil and has won design awards for quality, effectiveness and efficiency in treating all types of heat transfer. Therma-Foil is being increasingly used as the product of choice for insulating all sorts of premises and it is nno surprise that sales of the product are blossoming as builders’ merchants increasingly look to stock large quantities of this revolutionary new product in order to meet high levels of demand. For those just wanting to do-it-themselves, Therma-Foil is readily available through the company’s website at www.therma-foil.co.uk or by calling +44 (0) 1625 251 000 and requesting a sample pack. See for yourself how good this product is.

Phone: +44 (0)1625 251000           

Fax: +44 (0)1625 524584

Email: sales@robertsmaynard.com

Robert S Maynard Ltd.
P O Box 8,
Beech Lane House,



  1. This is a most popular Therma foil site in UK.

  2. Therma foil products save our money and our home energy.
